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Sukkot Events

The seven days of Sukkot—celebrated by dwelling in the sukkah, taking the Four Kinds, and rejoicing—is the holiday when we expose ourselves to the elements in covered huts, commemorating G‑d’s sheltering our ancestors as they traveled from Egypt to the Promised Land. The Four Kinds express our unity and our belief in G‑d’s omnipresence. Coming after the solemn High Holidays, it is a time of joy and happiness.


Sukkot Dinner

Please join us for our wonderful Sukokt meal under the stars full of tradition, delicious food, lively conversations, and inspiration!

Image by Boris Ivanović


Prayer services, insightful thoughts to guide you and inspire you throughout the services. No affiliation or membership necessary.


Sushi Event

Sushi, food, game, craft and fun for all ages!


Lulav & Etrog

Do the Mitzvah this year safely, from the comfort of your own home.

Order your own Lulav & Etrog set today!

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Soups & Salads

It’s ladies night out! 
Gather to create something special, eat something warm, and learn something inspiring!


Scotch in the Sukkah

Have a drink with the Rabbi in the Sukkah say some L'chaim to start the year off right!

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Order Sukkah

Purchase your own Sukkah


Simchat Torah

Join us as we say L'chaim and dance with the Torah!

Join us!

We'd be thrilled to have you join us in our events and service.


If you are reading this page, you are already a member of our synagogue. Every Jew is a member here and we do not charge a membership fee.

Walk-in at any time and you'll be welcomed with a smile! 

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