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Celebrate a lifecycle event with your local San Jose Jewish community
No membership is required - every Jew is a member 

Image by Katie Smith

Baby Naming

Mazal Tov! It's a girl!

The arrival of a new baby is a cause for rejoicing, not only by the immediate and extended family but also by the community at large. All of us at Chabad are happy to share in your joyous occasion.


The Baby naming ceremony takes place at synagogue on a Monday, Thursday or Shabbat, best to be done at the first opportunity right after the baby is born.

The father will be called to the Torah and give the baby's name followed by a brunch in celebration.


Brit Milah

Mazal Tov! It's a boy!

The arrival of a new baby is a cause for rejoicing, not only by the immediate and extended family but also by the community at large. All of us at Chabad are happy to share in your joyous occasion.

Our professional Mohel will be happy to do the ceremony in your home, or at our synagogue. The Brit takes place on the 8th day after a baby is born.

Brit Milah followed by a brunch in celebration.


Pidyon Haben

A pidyon haben, or "redemption of the firstborn son," is a ceremony wherein the father of a firstborn male redeems his son by giving a kohen five silver coins.


The Pidyon Haben can take place in your home, the Rabbi's home or at synagogue, it takes place thirty days after the baby's birth.

It's a 5 min ceremony followed by a brunch in celebration.



It is a time-hallowed Jewish tradition to allow a boy’s hair to grow untouched for the first years of life.

On his third Jewish birthday, friends and community members are invited to a festive haircutting ceremony: the upshernish (“shearing”) in Yiddish, or chalakah in Hebrew. 


Bat Mitzvah

The big day is coming up!

Your daughter is soon turning 12 years old and becoming a Jewish woman.

A half of a year before her 12th birthday is the time to start taking Bat Mitzvah lessons and learning what it is all about.

When the time comes we can schedule a beautiful party at Chabad.

Reading from the Torah


On the Shabbat prior to a wedding, it's costumery for the groom to receive an Aliyah during the Torah Service, after which, the Rabbi gives the couple a special blessing and the congregation claps and sings “Mazal Tov.”

A special Kiddush is then made in thier honor.


Outdoor Wedding Altar


You found your Jewish soulmate and are ready to get married!

We are ready to help you through the process from the studying to the officiating and everything in between, we'll help make it magical. 


Bar Mitzvah

The big day is coming up!

Your boy is soon turning 13 years old and becoming a Jewish man.

Minimum of half a year before his Bar Mitzvah we start taking Bar Mitvzah lessons and learning what it is all about.

When the time comes we can schedule a beautiful party at Chabad.

Doctor's Visit


Not feeling well and can use some love?

a family member is Ill? Need some care, love, concern or maybe some words of home and encouragement?

Chabad will be happy to have someone visit with some warm Matzah ball soup.

Just call!

Image by Storiès


Whether your birthday is coming up, or it's your parents or your child's we're happy to celebrate your day with you.


At home or at synagogue which ever you prefer, we can study the meaning of your birthday and celebrate together.

Image by CHIRAG K


A Yartzeit is a special time to honor the soul of your loved one. 

We'll be happy to arrange a Minyan for you to say a Kaddish, have some L'chaim and bite to eat in honor of your loved one.

Cemetery Gravestones


Preparing for the end of life is not a simple task, we'll be happy to walk you through all the steps making it as easy and simple as can be.

Our Rabbi will come say last prayer with your loved ones.

We'll arrange the funeral home, the Rabbi officiating the Kosher casket and everything in between.


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